code, art, engineering

Scott Cazan

          I am an artist working in the field of new media, cutting edge interactive web technology, and sound. I have worked across a number of fields such as interactive web applications, media installations for large companies, hardware development, film, video, and VR/AR among many others. Clients have included Microsoft, Spotify, BMW, Google, NASA, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Art Center College of Design (with funding from Intel), Cargo Collective, and many others.*

I am highly experienced in creating interactive media experiences for the web and for events. While being highly-skilled in full-stack JavaScript, this has allowed me to work in a variety of different languages and ecosystems such as Rust, C/C++, Arduino/micro controllers, Python, Java, SuperCollider (sound synthesis), Max/MSP, Pure Data, OpenFrameworks, in addition to highly performant JavaScript applications. Throughout my years as a developer I have also learned a great deal about best practices in building sturdy, future-resistant software architectures to ensure stable systems (in both prototypes and long running applications).

Check out my Github to see some code and my most recent CV here.

* I can't show all the things I've been working on here due to a few NDA agreements that I take very seriously but if you are interested in working together, I can certainly discuss more in person as I have allowance to do so from some of my clients
Music Life:

As an artist, I have performed and received numerous commissions with international organizations such as The LA County Museum of Art, MOCA (Los Angeles), Issue Project Room (NY), Feldstarke International (with CENTQUATRE, PACT Zollverein, and Calarts), Ausland (Berlin), Art Cologne, Ensemble Zwischentöne, The University of Art in Berlin, Toomai String Quintet, Southern Exposure (San Francisco), Guapamacátaro (MX), Umbral (MX), the Media Mix Festival (Monterrey), the BEAM Festival (UK), REDCAT (Los Angeles), Machine Project and many others.

As an active educator I have taught at institutions such as the University of California, Santa Barbara, Art Center College of Design, Universität der Künste Berlin, and California Institute of the Arts where I taught topics on the intersections between art and electronics.

Outside of that, you can probably tell I'm very into music and generally into critical theory, math, film, and Linux. If you are interested in my other music performances you can check out my music website at www.scottcazan.com

Scott Cazan     code, art, sound
Stockholm, Sweden

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